BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The phosphorylated aminothiol agent amifostine (Ethyol) protects bone marrow and other tissues from toxicity due to ionizing radiation and antineoplastic drugs, and stimulates progenitors from normal and myelodysplastic bone marrow. Contrasting results have been published so far on the effectiveness of amifostine in correcting cytopenia in patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). DESIGN AND METHODS: In a pilot phase II study we treated 26 patients with low risk MDS (13 RA, 2 RARS, 2 CMML, 9 RAEB with blasts < 10%) with amifostine (200 mg/m(2 )x 3/week for 4 weeks). RESULTS: Hemoglobin concentration, reticulocyte, neutrophil and platelet counts increased respectively in 6 (23%), 11 (42%), 13 (50%) and 9 (34%) of patients. Red cell transfusions were reduced (> 50%) in 4/26 patients and abolished in 1/26. Unexpectedly a significant decrease in soluble transferrin receptor level at week 4 of therapy, compared to the basal level (p<0.04), was observed in the whole population of patients. INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSIONS: Amifostine can ameliorate cytopenia in some patients with MDS, with few and mild side effects. Neutropenia is more likely to be corrected than anemia or thrombocytopenia. Mechanisms underlying this biological effect remain to be clarified.
Vol. 85 No. 4 (2000): April, 2000 : Clinical Trial
Published By
Ferrata Storti Foundation, Pavia, Italy
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