BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: With the development and refinement of new guidance methods for percutaneous biopsies, many investigators have reported studies supporting a role for radiologically guided core-needle biopsy in the diagnosis of malignant lymphoma under certain clinical circumstances. The aims of this report are to evaluate the efficacy of findings at ultrasound (US)-guided core-needle biopsy of abdominal lymphoma on patient care and define the key determinants of clinical success. DESIGN AND METHODS: US-guided core needle biopsies were performed in 55 patients with abdominal lymphoma: 44 non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) and 11 Hodgkin's disease (HD); 41 had had no prior lymphoma and 14 had previously diagnosed lymphoma. All the biopsies were performed under US control using a 21-gauge modified Menghini needle. Overall, 53/55 (96%) patients were treated on the basis of biopsy findings only, including 14/14 (100%) patients with a history of lymphoma and 39/41 (93%) patients with no such history. RESULTS: In 46/53 (87%) patients it was possible to assess the specific histotype. No differences between the diagnostic rates of HD and high grade-NHL were recorded. There were no complications related to the biopsies. INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSIONS: Our data indicate that abdominal US-guided core-needle biopsy should be considered as an effective and safe procedure in the diagnosis of patients with lymphoma offering the possibility of determining the tumor subtype and the subsequent specific treatment.
Vol. 83 No. 11 (1998): November, 1998 : Articles
Published By
Ferrata Storti Foundation, Pavia, Italy
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