BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: alpha-thalassemia is very common on all thalassemic geographical regions. The present work aimed at analyzing the relationship between the degree of microcytosis and hematological parameters and the type of alpha-thalassemic mutation. DESIGN AND METHODS: Five hundred and thirty-six subjects with 4 kinds of alpha-thalassemia were examined using established techniques that determined all hematological parameters, and globin synthesis and molecular biological techniques to study the DNA of globin genes by Southern blotting. RESULTS: Adult carriers of alpha (+)-thalassemia (-alpha/alpha alpha) present very few hematological alterations. In a statistical comparison with normal individuals (alpha alpha/alpha alpha), significant differences were found between the hemocytometric data and the MCV and MCH of heterozygous alpha + thalassemia and the heterozygous alpha zero or homozygous alpha + genotype. Hb H disease was detected in 15 patients, presenting a severe degree of anemia, a significant increase in RDW and globin chain synthesis with an alpha/beta ratio of 0.5 +/- 0.1. INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSIONS: These data provide reference values for geographical areas where alpha + thalassemia is common. These hematocytometric data, together with hemoglobin analysis, could be useful as a future reference data for new patients diagnosed with alpha-thalassemia.
Vol. 83 No. 2 (1998): February, 1998 : Articles
Published By
Ferrata Storti Foundation, Pavia, Italy
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