Detailed statistics per country
Continent impressions
- Americas346,021
- Europe408,185
- Asia377,096
- Oceania36,521
- Africa21,688
Main countries impressions
- United States255,978
- India99,925
- Italy92,908
- China91,646
- United Kingdom74,710
- Japan62,020
- Germany39,104
- Spain37,507
- France35,204
- Canada30,074
- Australia28,182
- Brazil22,372
- the Netherlands15,585
- South Korea14,390
- Mexico12,324
- Switzerland12,059
- Taiwan11,931
- Türkiye11,054
- Hong Kong10,470
- Indonesia7,657
Main countries new users
- United States132,278
- China36,521
- United Kingdom34,785
- India28,667
- Italy21,304
- Japan17,778
- Germany15,819
- Canada14,805
- Australia13,725
- Spain12,319
- France12,119
- Brazil8,630
- the Netherlands6,369
- South Korea5,954
- Taiwan4,947
- Türkiye4,885
- Mexico4,879
- Switzerland4,677
- Indonesia4,436
- Hong Kong4,111