Ramy Rahmé, Lionel Ades, Xavier Thomas, Agnès Guerci-Bresler, Arnaud Pigneux, Norbert Vey, Emmanuel Raffoux, Sylvie Castaigne, Olivier Spertini, Sebastian Wittnebel, Jean Pierre Marolleau, Gandhi Damaj, Dominique Bordessoule, Julie Lejeune, Sylvie Chevret, Pierre Fenaux. Reducing mortality in newly diagnosed standard-risk acute promyelocytic leukemia in elderly patients treated with arsenic trioxide requires major reduction of chemotherapy: a report by the French Belgian Swiss APL group (APL 2006 trial). haematol [Internet]. 2018Oct.31 [cited 2024Sep.27];103(11):e519-e521. Available from: https://haematologica.org/article/view/8677