Christian Klemann, Myrian Esquivel, Aude Magerus-Chatinet, Myriam R. Lorenz, Ilka Fuchs, Nathalie Neveux, Martin Castelle, Jan Rohr, Claudia Bettoni da Cunha, Martin Ebinger, Robin Kobbe, Bernhard Kremens, Florian Kollert, Eleonora Gambineri, Kai Lehmberg, Markus G. Seidel, Kathrin Siepermann, Thomas Voelker, Volker Schuster, Sigune Goldacker, Klaus Schwarz, Carsten Speckmann, Capucine Picard, Alain Fischer, Frederic Rieux-Laucat, Stephan Ehl, Anne Rensing-Ehl, Benedicte Neven. Evolution of disease activity and biomarkers on and off rapamycin in 28 patients with autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome. haematol [Internet]. 2017Jan.31 [cited 2024Sep.27];102(2):e52-e56. Available from: https://haematologica.org/article/view/7986