Nicola Gökbuget, Christina-Maria Hartog, Renato Bassan, Heinz-Gerd Derigs, Herve Dombret, Richard Greil, Jesus-Maria Hernández-Rivas, Francoise Huguet, Tamara Intermesoli, Eric Jourdan, Christian Junghanss, Lothar Leimer, Maria-Jose Moreno, Albrecht Reichle, Josep Ribera, Matthias Schmid, Hubert Serve, Matthias Stelljes, Reingard Stuhlmann, Dieter Hoelzer. Liposomal cytarabine is effective and tolerable in the treatment of central nervous system relapse of acute lymphoblastic leukemia and very aggressive lymphoma. haematol [Internet]. 2011Jan.31 [cited 2025Jan.16];96(2):238-44. Available from: https://haematologica.org/article/view/5871