Maarten L. Zandvliet, J.H. Frederik Falkenburg, Ellis van Liempt, Louise A. Veltrop-Duits, Arjan C. Lankester, Jayant S. Kalpoe, Michel G.D. Kester, Dirk M. van der Steen, Maarten J. van Tol, Roel Willemze, Henk-Jan Guchelaar, Marco W. Schilham, Pauline Meij. Combined CD8+ and CD4+ adenovirus hexon-specific T cells associated with viral clearance after stem cell transplantation as treatment for adenovirus infection. haematol [Internet]. 2010Oct.31 [cited 2024Oct.19];95(11):1943-51. Available from: https://haematologica.org/article/view/5792