Patrice Chevallier, Sylvain Chantepie, Francoise Huguet, Emmanuel Raffoux, Xavier Thomas, Thibaut Leguay, Tony Marchand, Francoise Isnard, Aude Charbonnier, Sébastien Maury, Maria-Pilar Gallego-Hernanz, Nelly Robillard, Thierry Guillaume, Pierre Peterlin, Alice Garnier, Fanny Rialland, Claire Le Houerou, David M. Goldenberg, William A. Wegener, Marie-C. Béné and Hervé Dombret (2017) “Hyper-CVAD + epratuzumab as a salvage regimen for younger patients with relapsed/refractory CD22-positive precursor B-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia”, Haematologica. Pavia, Italy, 102(5), pp. e184-e186. doi: 10.3324/haematol.2016.159905.