Sarah Bertoli, Pierre Bories, Marie C. Béné, Sylvie Daliphard, Bruno Lioure, Arnaud Pigneux, Norbert Vey, Jacques Delaunay, Vincent Leymarie, Isabelle Luquet, Odile Blanchet, Pascale Cornillet-Lefebvre, Mathilde Hunault, Didier Bouscary, Nathalie Fegueux, Philippe Guardiola, François Dreyfus, Jean Luc Harousseau, Jean Yves Cahn, Norbert Ifrah and Christian Récher (2014) “Prognostic impact of day 15 blast clearance in risk-adapted remission induction chemotherapy for younger patients with acute myeloid leukemia: long-term results of the multicenter prospective LAM-2001 trial by the GOELAMS study group”, Haematologica. Pavia, Italy, 99(1), pp. 46-53. doi: 10.3324/haematol.2013.091819.