Ygal Benhamou, Cyrielle Assié, Pierre-Yves Boelle, Marc Buffet, Rana Grillberger, Sandrine Malot, Alain Wynckel, Claire Presne, Gabriel Choukroun, Pascale Poullin, François Provôt, Didier Gruson, Mohamed Hamidou, Dominique Bordessoule, Jacques Pourrat, Jean-Paul Mira, Véronique Le Guern, Claire Pouteil-Noble, Cédric Daubin, Philippe Vanhille, Eric Rondeau, Jean-Bernard Palcoux, Christiane Mousson, Cécile Vigneau, Guy Bonmarchand, Bertrand Guidet, Lionel Galicier, Elie Azoulay, Hanspeter Rottensteiner, Agnès Veyradier, Paul Coppo. Development and validation of a predictive model for death in acquired severe ADAMTS13 deficiency-associated idiopathic thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura: the French TMA Reference Center experience. Haematologica 2012;97(8):1181-1186; https://doi.org/10.3324/haematol.2011.049676.