Tobias Herold, Vindi Jurinovic, Aarif M. N. Batcha, Stefanos A. Bamopoulos, Maja Rothenberg-Thurley, Bianka Ksienzyk, Luise Hartmann, Philipp A. Greif, Julia Phillippou-Massier, Stefan Krebs, Helmut Blum, Susanne Amler, Stephanie Schneider, Nikola Konstandin, Maria Cristina Sauerland, Dennis Görlich, Wolfgang E. Berdel, Bernhard J. Wörmann, Johanna Tischer, Marion Subklewe, Stefan K. Bohlander, Jan Braess, Wolfgang Hiddemann, Klaus H. Metzeler, Ulrich Mansmann, and Karsten Spiekermann. 2018. “A 29-Gene and Cytogenetic Score for the Prediction of Resistance to Induction Treatment in Acute Myeloid Leukemia”. Haematologica 103 (3). Pavia, Italy, 456-65.