Menssen, Andrew J., Chad A. Hudson, Todd Alonzo, Robert Gerbing, Laura Pardo, Amanda Leonti, Jacqueline A. Cook, Fan-Chi Hsu, Loren L. Lott, Fangyan Dai, Collette Fearing, Keely Ghirardelli, Tiffany Hylkema, Katherine Tarlock, Keith R. Loeb, Edward A. Kolb, Todd Cooper, Jessica Pollard, Denise A. Wells, Michael R. Loken, Richard Aplenc, Soheil Meshinchi, and Lisa Eidenschink Brodersen. 2020. “CD74 Is Expressed in a Subset of Pediatric Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients and Is a Promising Target for Therapy: A Report from the Children’s Oncology Group”. Haematologica, September. Pavia, Italy.