Lawless, Sarah, Simona Iacobelli, Nina Simone Knelange, Patrice Chevallier, Didier Blaise, Noel Milpied, Roberto Foà, Jan J. Cornelissen, Bruno Lioure, Ruben Benjamin, Xavier Poiré, Monique C. Minnema, Matthew Collin, Stig Lenhoff, John A. Snowden, Stella Santarone, Keith M. O. Wilson, Fernanda Trigo, Peter Dreger, Lara H. Böhmer, Hein Putter, Laurent Garderet, Nicolaus Kröger, Ibrahim Yaukoub-Agha, Stefan Schönland, and Curly Morris. 2023. “Comparison of Autologous and Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Strategies in Patients With Primary Plasma Cell Leukemia, With Dynamic Prediction Modeling”. Haematologica 108 (4). Pavia, Italy, 1105-14.